'Scare Extensions - calls for ban after glue 'kills' girl' - The Sun & others

04 Feb 2012
'Scare Extensions - calls for ban after glue 'kills' girl' - The Sun & others
'Glue in hair extensions could have caused death of clubber' - Evening Standard, London
'Glue in her hair extensions may have killed this woman' - Daily Mail

Our work to cosmetically restore human hair extension damage was featured in today's Sun Newspaper in an article highlighting the tragic case of a young woman whose death may have been caused by the latex bonding glue used in the application of her hair extensions.

The full page story in the UK's biggest selling newspaper followed similar articles in other newspapers worldwide, including The Daily Mail and the London Evening Standard (articles shown right - click or tap to expand).

How Mark Glenn helped

The Sun feature tells how one of our clients spent a total over £4,000 with us to cosmetically disguise the traction alopecia damage caused by human hair extensions whilst her own hair recovered.

At Mark Glenn, we don't use any chemicals, adhesives, latex, bonding solutions, glue, threads or clips to attach or remove our extensions.

Instead, highly skilled two-person teams use an intricate braiding technique to apply the extension hair.

In addition, we use a beautiful hand-made fibre hair - which is half the weight of human hair - for both safety and ethical reasons.

All the articles refer to the case of Atasha Graham who collapsed and died after a suspected allergic reaction to the latex adhesive in her hair extensions. Experts are now calling for a ban of human hair extensions.

Home Office pathologist Dr Michael Heath, who conducted the post mortem, said: "I have seen cases where people use solvents to apply hair pieces which can cause an anaphylactic reaction."


More worringly, he told the inquest into her death that: "There are about 10 to 20 deaths in this country, many more in America. I have seen four in the last three months. Whether the latex got into her system through perspiration is a possibility." He ruled out reactions to food and alcohol and said there were no drugs in her system.

Today's Sun has quotes from our client Jayne, as well as before and after pictures showing the traction alopecia damage and our restoration work.

You can read the text of the article in full below - and you can see more pictures of Jayne further down the page.

"Scare Extensions - calls for ban after fake tresses 'kill Atasha'" - The Sun

The Sun Newspaper, London
By Lynsey Haywood

Hair Experts Warn Of Peril

Experts are calling for trendy hair extensions to be banned — after fears a woman was killed by the glue used to attach them. Atasha Graham, 34 — who collapsed after going clubbing — is thought to have died due to an allergic reaction to the latex adhesive.

'Scare Extensions - Calls for ban after fake tresses 'kill Atasha'' - The Sun
Loss... Britney Spears' mess
Thin... sparse spot in Coleen Rooney's hair

Trichologist Mr Barry Stephens — an expert in hair and scalp science — said: "Chemicals used in hair extensions can be very dangerous if they come into contact with the skin.

"Salons often use latex glue, and there are many people in the UK allergic to latex."

Mr Stephens added: "If this lady has been sweating it is possible it could find its way into her bloodstream.

Chemicals used in hair extensions can be very dangerous if they come into contact with the skin

Trichologist, Barry Stephens

"It might have caused an allergic reaction. It's a rare and catastrophic sequence of events."

Atasha, of Lee, South East London, had extensions since she was 20. The verdict at the inquest in Southwark was natural causes.

Home Office pathologist Michael Heath said he had seen cases where extensions solvent caused anaphylactic shock.

He added: "Extensions should be banned. They always end in tears."

Inspired by stars like Victoria Beckham, British women spend £65million a year on extensions.

Sue threat... Katie Price's extensions | Patch... Naomi Campblell damaged hairline

Various types from glue to wax or tiny metal rings cost between £300 and £15,000.

But Mr Heath said they can cause cosmetic damage, adding: "They pull hair from the skin, sometimes making the scalp bleed — and there is a risk of secondary infections.

"It damages follicles considerably and can result in baldness.

"I have seen hundreds if not thousands of women whose lives have been ruined by extensions."

Celebs Britney Spears, Coleen Rooney and Naomi Campbell have been seen with bald patches caused by extensions — a condition called traction alopecia.

Last year model Jordan threatened to sue a Hollywood stylist after spending £45,000 to repair a botched job.

Actress Jennifer Aniston said: "You end up with 400 things in your head that cause your hair to break off."

Steve O'Brien, from the London Trichology Centre, treats ten new clients a week with hair damaged by extensions.

He said: "Women become more and more dependent because their hair gets weaker and weaker. It's a vicious circle."

Case of Jayne Richardson

Jayne Richardson, 27, pictured bottom right, lost HALF her hair two months after having £700 extensions.

Jayne Richardson - how Mark Glenn cosmetically repaired the damage after she lost half her hair to human hair extensions

She said: "They looked fabulous. Then one night a big clump of my hair fell out. I'd soon lost nearly half my hair."

Jayne had to spend £4,000 at Mark Glenn Hair Enhancement in London (markglenn.com) to have her hair fixed. She is now considering legal action over the damage, below right.

Copyright © The Sun


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